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Service Hours

Service Hours & Volunteer Opportunities

Family involvement helps students succeed, demonstrates parents' commitment to Catholic education, and contributes to the success of our school.  Because help at our fundraising events is vital, at least 10 hours of the required 30 hours are encouraged to be done in fundraising activities.

All families receive a tuition discount for completing 30 volunteer service hours each year. If hours are not complete and logged in ParentsWeb (see instructions on this page), families will be invoiced $15/hour for anything less than 15 hours in December and 15 hours in May at the rate of $15/hour. Families who do not volunteer are ineligible to receive financial aid in the next school year.

Below is a list of our major volunteer opportunities, but there are many more!  Ask your child's teacher or the office if there is something that needs your help!  If you see something that interests you but aren't quite sure how to get involved, please contact your child's teacher or the office.

Fundraising Opportunities
School Supplies - August
International Fair - October
Fall Funfest - October

Sports Concessions - Fall & Winter

Las Vegas Night - February

Other Volunteer Efforts
Field Trips
Room Parent
8th Grade Activities
Vacation Bible School
Sunday School catechist

How to Record Service Hours

  1. Login to Family Portal
  2. Click on Family Information
  3. Click on Service Hours (in the top right corner, tab next to Contact Info)
  4. Click Add Service Hours
  5. Complete the form and click Save


Las Vegas Night Team Meeting Schedule

Planning is underway for our 2022 event! Be a part of the fun and action from the beginning at our team planning meetings at 6:30pm in the school library. Pizza, dessert, and childcare are provided.