Students will learn to “make a joyful noise” through singing , movement, games, and use of classroom instruments. Students will use their musical gifts by participating in musicals at Christmas and in the Spring. In addition, students will participate in singing during weekly Mass and other opportunities which may come available.
Early Childhood
- Students will be familiar with their different “voices”
- Students will move to a steady beat and sing simple melodic songs
- Students will chant poems to a steady beat and learn to play simple instruments
1st Grade
- Students will learn to sing the parts of the Mass and weekly responses
- Students will understand their different “voices”
- Students will play a steady beat and sing simple melodic songs
- Students will chant and audiate poems to a steady beat and play simple instruments
2nd Grade
- Students will learn to sing the parts of the Mass and weekly responses
- Students will be familiar with appropriate posture in music class
- Students will play simple rhythms and sing and play simple melodic songs
- Students will move to simple rhythms
3rd Grade
- Students will learn to sing the parts of the Mass and weekly responses
- Students will use proper posture while singing and playing instruments
- Students will begin to read simple music notation
- Students will begin using Curwen hand signs for sight singing
- Students will play and sing simple rhythms and melodies and begin using harmony
- Students will move to simple choreography
- Students will begin to improvise by using movement, singing, and instruments
4th Grade
- Students will learn to sing the parts of the Mass and weekly responses
- Students will use proper posture while singing and playing instruments
- Students will read simple music notation
- Students will use Curwen hand signs for sight singing
- Students will play and sing simple rhythms, melodies, and harmonies
- Students will move to simple choreography
- Students will improvise by using movement, singing, and instruments
- Students will be familiar with some music terminology
5th Grade
- Students will learn to sing the parts of the Mass and weekly responses
- Students will use proper posture and begin using proper breath support
- Students will learn to play the soprano recorder
- Students will be familiar with the pentatonic scale
- Students will read simple music notation
- Students will use Curwen hand signs for sight singing
- Students will play and sing simple rhythms, melodies, and harmonies
- Students will move to simple choreography
- Students will improvise by using movement, singing, and instruments
- Students will be familiar with some music terminology
6th Grade
- Students will learn to sing the parts of the Mass and weekly responses
- Students will use proper posture and begin using proper breath support
- Students will learn to play choir chimes
- Students will be able to understand the pentatonic scale
- Students will read simple music notation
- Students will use Curwen hand signs for sight singing
- Students will play and sing simple rhythms, melodies, and harmonies
- Students will move to simple choreography
- Students will improvise by using movement, singing, and instruments
- Students will be familiar with music terminology
7th and 8th Grades
- Students will learn to sing the parts of the Mass and weekly responses
- Students will have the opportunity to be a Cantor during Mass
- Students will use proper posture and proper breath support
- Students will play choir chimes, percussion and barred instruments
- Students will be able to understand the pentatonic scale
- Students will read music notation
- Students will use Curwen hand signs for sight singing in the keys of C, G and F
- Students will play and sing simple rhythms, melodies, and harmonies
- Students will move to simple choreography
- Students will improvise by using movement, singing, and instruments
- Students will understand and use music terminology
- Students will compose simple melodic lines